I was reading a book while I was in Spain a few weeks back. The writer was sharing his experience visiting the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama shortly after its opening. He wrote about its significance in American history and the immense emotional load that it carried.
On one wall of the memorial, there is a quote with water falling over it.
The quote reads “We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The quote is from Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. A speech I am guessing we can all agree shaped American history. Martin Luther King Jr. is quoting Amos 5 in that speech.
I read that quote and was moved. It reminded me of hearing about that famous speech in school as a kid. I also thought back on the last 5 years in the United States which have been more than tumultuous.
Then I asked myself, is sexual abuse the next frontier for the Church to take on? Is this the time that God is highlighting the extreme injustice that has taken root in the Western church?
In the 50s, 60s, and 70s the racial inequality in our nation, and nations all over the world, was highlighted massively. The exposure led to worldwide change.
But I am also positive that we have not “beat racism”. It is still alive and everywhere, even in the church. The last 4-5 years have made that crystal clear.
So when I say “the next frontier” I am not insinuating that we have “won” the last frontier of racial justice in the church or in our nation. Please hear me on that. There is so much more freedom and healing that needs to be done both in and out of the church.
The question I am asking is: is God highlighting a sickness deep within our religious systems that allows sexual abuse to remain unchecked? Is this the time we take on this giant?
I’ve heard so many stories that it makes me sick. I’ve started to become numb to the horrors that I’m faced with on a weekly basis. My capacity is at its max. And what makes it worse is that it’s barely scratched the surface.
I am afraid that there are more stories of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, coverups, clergy sexual abuse, and mishandling of situations than I can even fathom.
I woke up to the social injustice in our nation in 2020, less than a year after returning to the US from Brazil. I similarly feel like I am waking up to the extreme injustice that is sexual abuse and clergy sexual abuse within our church affecting thousands of women and men.
So now what?
Do we just close our eyes and sit in the fetal position until it all “goes away”? Until it all blows over? If we ignore the monster in the closet for long enough maybe he’ll be quiet and we can live in “peace”.
Many people have been closing their eyes with their fingers in their ears. But I can’t pretend like this isn’t a widespread, sickening problem.
Enough is enough.
I want justice. I want justice for Jane Doe, for Tammy, and TH. I want justice for the victims of Ravi Zacharias, Bill Hybels, Bill Gothard, and the countless other monsters in our churches.
I want justice for the victims that will never be featured in a newspaper article. I want justice for the women and girls who were kept in emotional bondage told to never tell.
Reading Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote brought me hope again.
“But let justice run down like water,
And righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Amos 5:24
I want justice to roll like a river. I want to see righteousness like a mighty stream.
MLK saw a measure of justice in his time. The full expression of God’s justice will be fully revealed in Eternity. That is going to be an amazing day, at least for some. Gonna suck for others.
The Church was asked to partner with God during MLK’s lifetime to seek justice for racial equality and make things right. A mission that we are still on.
What is God asking us to partner with Him on now?
God is slow to anger. He overflows with mercy. But He loves His people and will not stand idle forever as they get abused and mistreated.
I am positive that God gave Mike Bickle more than one opportunity to repent of His sin. God is merciful and wants us to repent.
But what does He do when they don’t repent and make things right? He exposes. Be shines His light. He brings justice.
God wants justice to run down like water. He wants righteousness. He always has.
So the question of the hour is simple. Will we join with God as He brings justice? Or will we stand in His way?
Photo by Cherish Smith
Yes. You are right! Thank you for pointing out MLK, Jr. was quoting Amos! All good comes from God!