Sep 22Liked by Chloe Roberts

I just couldn’t click on “Like”!!! I don’t “Like” what happened to you and your family one bit. But I do “Like” and love you all.

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Sep 25Liked by Chloe Roberts

Yes. I believe your blog is Cathartic Chloe. I started a blog and also found fb interaction with others, cathartic. We all need opportunities to express ourselves. Years ago I felt I had no voice. A different set of circumstances, but no voice to express my self. Now I do, and I thank God you do to. God bless.

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Psalm 69. Also, I am wondering why, as Christians, we are taught to cover up sin? Jesus died for that! His shed blood (when we confess and repent of our sin), should bring us joy in the morning! What happened to make some church leaders feel that they should “not say?” Why did Mike Bickle tell Jack Deere (email has been made public in Stephen Deere’s Substack) to leave things out of his Jack’s book that were honest about the truth of the situation with Paul Cain? When did we start “protecting” predatory behavior in “Christianity?”

Who else was involved back then? Rick Joyner, that’s who! Why, are we as Christians looking to psychology (sociopath? Narcissistic personality disorder?) to label and explain pure sin? The labels are already there in the Word of God: sin entered the world through one man and was defeated by Jesus Christ! The instructions are in the Book! 📚 not that complicated! What is it that we want that makes us “jump over Jesus” going back to the Old Testament types of signs and wonders wanting more? What has the “prophetic history” done for any of us that is greater than the completed work of Jesus Christ? I am not a cessationist; but these recent public sins revealed by women (and men) who were abused, used and silenced make me wonder. . . where is our allegiance? Keep talking, Chloe!

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