Jun 25Liked by Chloe Roberts

I love your transparency. I love that your solace is to return to the Psalms, which is what King David did himself. A Psalm can start out with defeat, disillusionment, or discouragement, but it ends with a praise or a reconfirmation of the faithfulness of the Lord. Deuteronomy 32:4 is my "go to" verse. It says, He is the rock, His work is perfect for all His ways are justice... (Sometimes, I ask, "REALLY?")

I've had to stand on that one verse alone so many times when I see the insanity of leaders in the church and rampant run away sin. Yes, the Lord is cleaning house. We should all take notice and make sure we are clean before the Lord. I have wept many tears over the state of the church to the point of "quitting." Yet, I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day." 2 Timothy 1:12

You are a beautiful soul. The Lord be with you and bless you. The Lord bring complete healing and restoration to all parts of you that grieve...and know, there are others who grieve with you.

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This is beautiful Belinda! Thank you

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Yes, the cleansing of the church is not a relaxing facial. It more like ripping the band aid off and taking a clump a hair with it.

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Jun 26Liked by Chloe Roberts

And the scab is pulled off too.

This time has the feel of a the debriding of a burn patient. All of the damaged skin is scrubbed off to allow new, healthy skin to grow. It's brutal, bloody and messy, yet necessary.

Most of us were unaware of the extent of the damage and are left reeling and angry. Angry at the perpetrators. Angry at the "support staff" who were and are dismissive of abuse, as if their particular ministry is too big to fail, and their idol must be protected at all costs, sullying and shaming the Bride of Christ to the world.

And yet, God is justice. He sees the hidden and holds the guilty to account. I have no doubt of that. The real question is when will we take our own sin as seriously as God does?

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The question of “when” is a great one. As a former staff member of Morningstar Ministries, I can say that some of us have gone through the same emotional issues that we are now seeing the IHOP crew walking out. The pain of cleansing runs deep, and it takes time for real healing ( 5+ plus years for me) but I am convinced that God must display the foolishness of his people before the whole body.

Once the whole body sees it, the whole body can repent and be changed. That moment is coming, and those of us who have had our eyes opened need to get ready, others will not understand or know how to process the pain they are feeling.

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Jun 26Liked by Chloe Roberts

Thank you Chloe. May the Lord sine His face upon you, and give you peace. I have been travelling a spiritual detox journey for about 6 years. God, the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, and their beautiful Word are life giving truth. God bless, Daryl

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